Well, this site is still very much in its infancy but it has high aspirations.
After living in four different UK cities over the past few years I've realised that there are lots of women cycling out there at all levels, but even though we're growing in number sometimes being a female cyclist can feel quite isolating as it's still such a male-dominated sport in terms of coverage and advertising.
Every day women are out on their bikes, whether commuting to work, cycling with the kids on a Sundays, taking part in local club road races and time trials or negotiating tricky single tracks on the MTB.
The Cycletopia blog is all about celebrating these different aspects of cycling, and in particular, women's cycling.
Alongside information on our workshops and bike training, the other links on the site will provide information about local groups and clubs across the UK and other useful stuff about fashion, the environment, fitness... in fact anything involving women and bikes.
Stay tuned...